17744360_sEaster and Passover may be over, but the belly bulge that resulted from all that eating may not. But what if it isn’t the extra food that is causing your protruding stomach? Some of us, now matter how much we work out and how healthy we eat, just can’t achieve a flat stomach. Luckily, Forever Young and Trim is here to help with our tummy tuck procedure!

Abdominoplasty, AKA a tummy tuck, was designed to flatten a protruding abdomen through the tightening of abdominal wall muscles and removal of excess fatty tissue and skin. However, this procedure is not a substitute for weight loss; it is meant to improve the shape of the body by narrowing and flattening the abdomen. 

Don’t blame the holidays for your tummy! Take action and call Forever Young and Trim today to schedule your consultation: 954-440-1820