12039936_sGetting older means having a lifetime of adventure behind you and even more ahead of you! Those past adventures filled with fun and laughter can start showing on your face, though, especially around the eyes. Dark circles from sleepless all-night road trips, fine lines from laughing so hard you cried, and wrinkles from those many days of forgetting sunblock can start to become more noticeable as we age. Luckily, Forever Young and Trim’s eye lid surgery can make you look even better on your future adventures! 

Blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery) works to correct problems areas around the eyes caused by genetics and sun exposure. Wrinkles, sagging, and dark circles around the eyes are eliminated by removing any excess skin and fat on the upper and lower eyelids. Although often done in conjunction with other lifting procedures, eye lid surgery itself leads to a more awake, youthful appearance.

Be adventurous! Call Forever Young and Trim today to schedule your consultation: 954-440-1820