15003026_sIt’s Hump Day, and, even though there’s still a few more work days, people are already making their weekend plans. It’s starting to feel like a Florida summer already, and that means one thing: the beach! If you don’t feel your body is looking beach-ready, Forever Young and Trim has a quick and painless solution: Zerona LipoLaser!

Zerona LipoLaser operates on the basic principles of photochemistry, which studies the interaction between atoms, molecules, and light. Zerona LipoLaser is a non-invasive, laser-based fat reduction and body contouring system. Rather than painful surgery, the Zerona LipoLaser uses light energy to safely and painlessly penetrate skin and specifically target fat cells. During the relaxing 40-minute sessions, your fat will practically melt away, even in the body’s most stubborn areas, producing beautiful results.

With Forever Young and Trim, you’ll be looking beach ready in no time! Call today to schedule your consultation: 954-440-1820.